
⚡ We provide excellent electrical solutions for Residential, Commercial, and Industrial.

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1 min


New build, new Contruction, remodel, corn shell, service, lighting controls and design, low voltage and high efficiency.


Atmosphere provides an array of electric services for residential such as solar power generation, service upgrades, electric storage solutions, certified TESLA installer, Enphase installer, Solar Edge installer, lighting design, grounding and bonding, appliance services and trouble shooting.


Atmosphere provides electric services to industrial 8infrastructure to include but not limited to power supply, controls, and design. Our process applies techniques from a variety of disciplines distinction in detail and gives careful attention.

“My experience with Electrical Atmosphere was great. I was given a step-by-step process of what to expect, costs associated, and work was done timely. Highly recommend these guys for anyone looking for great work at a fair price!”.

Alice Jones


Frequently Asked Questions

Is the estimate really free?

Yes, they say nothing good is free, but to us we want to inform you of your options and to understand you are choosing us based on an informed decision you can trust.

What is your availability?

We are available 24/7 365 days a year. We want to provide you the best service and excellent electrical solutions.

How does it work?

You request a service or product to be installed. We will provide a free estimate. You will get an email, explaining the service or project scope and if you are satisfied with the communication, accept the estimate to begin work!